Are Hemp Gummies The Same as CBD Gummies?

In the hemp world there is some debate over rather or not hemp gummies are the same as CBD gummies. Both are offered by reputable vendors, but the verbiage can be confusing for consumers. Edibles are a popular form of CBD, but the question remains, how do hemp gummies...

How Long Does CBD Flower Stay In Your System?

With the birth of CBD came many concerns that it could cause a positive reading on a drug screen. This is an issue for many people, as their employers randomly select people for a drug test. So, how long does CBD flower stay in your system? less than 0.3% of THC...

A Guide to Smokable Hemp

The last thing people typically think about when it comes to hemp is the flowers of the hemp plant. Many are used to seeing hemp as an ingredient in beauty products or as an industrial raw material but have never heard of smokable hemp.hemp industry Can You Smoke...

Different Ways To Enjoy Premium CBD Flower!

  If you have been searching for different ways to enjoy premium CBD flower, then keep reading while we break down some of the most popular ways that people are using premium CBD flowers! You probably wouldn’t realize it, but one of the most popular ways that...

Can Hemp Fiber Replace Cotton?

Hemp fiber is one of the most valuable parts of the hemp plant. It is made from the “bast”, which is the outer layer of the hemp stalk. This fiber extends the entire length of the plant and can be anywhere between 3 and 15 feet long. Our specialty is a smokable hemp...

Top 10 Pre-Fill and Re-Fillable CBD Vape Cartridges

According to statistics, about 17% of CBD users have vaped their products. CBD vape cartridges are a convenient and easy way to consume cannabidiol. These carts are cylinders in shape and are slim. They will contain the CBD vape oil within them. This oil will be...

Ultimate Guide To Hemp Terpenes

A huge amount of focus has been placed on cannabinoids, such as CBD. While CBD delivers a great amount of promise to its users, there is another group of hemp chemical compounds that should not be forgotten: Hemp terpenes.  Terpenes are very aromatic and are known to...

What Is Hemp Biomass?

Plant biomass is the organic material leftover after harvesting and processing. Hemp biomass contains the leaves and stalks of the hemp plant, which is harvested for its flowers and seeds. Hemp biomass has all kinds of uses. First, a quick refresher on hemp. What is...

Cooking With Hemp Flower Cannabutter

The hemp flower is part of a plant known as Cannabis Sativa. This plant grows in many places and is easy to cultivate. When people produce hemp products (such as hemp oil), they may take the seeds from this flower and extract CBD, or cannabidiol, from it. It’s...

Various Types of Hemp

Hemp has been exploding in the agricultural industry, showing promise for many growers and harvesters. However, hemp can sometimes be a confusing concept for those not familiar with the specialized production. Before we tackle the various types of hemp, it is helpful...

What are Hemp Clones?

The hemp industry is growing rapidly. As a consumer, you may be curious about the hemp-cultivation process. Understanding hemp and how it is grown will help you to make an informed buying decision. What is Hemp? Hemp flower plants are different from marijuana plants,...

What is CBG Hemp Flower?

The term CBD is a commonly heard one, garnering attention from researchers and consumers for its overall balance potential. However, a lesser-known non-psychoactive cannabinoid is called cannabigerol or CBG. CBG flower is part of the hemp family.  When the hemp plant...

What to Do With Hemp Trim

While hemp trim may be looked at by some as a waste product, it can actually be turned into something of value with little effort. When the hemp flower is trimmed during the manicuring process, the bits that are removed are what is known as the trim. These trimmings...

Benefits of Growing Indoor Hemp Flower

The indoor cultivation industry of hemp flower is growing rapidly, as companies have begun to recognize the benefits of harvesting indoors. When it comes to purchasing an indoor hemp flower, you will want to do your due diligence as a consumer and research reputable...

CBD Flower Wholesale. A Guide to Online Buying

The hemp market has been booming and with this increased interest comes a need for wholesale CBD flower. While there are certain legalities surrounding hemp flower, here are some steps you should take to ensure you are buying wholesale hemp flower online safely. ...

Lifter CBD Strain. Benefits And Side Effects

From the stables of Oregon CBD comes this fast-rising CBD flower – Lifter CBD flower. The strain contains anywhere between 12 to 25% Cannabidiol (CBD) and below 0.03 delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . You can visit our CBD Flower Store Physical appearance...

Special Sauce CBD Flower. Benefits And Side Effects

Perhaps you stumbled on this article while searching for CBD Flower, or maybe you were specifically looking for Special Sauce CBD Flower. It doesn’t matter the reasons of how you got here, this article is intended to tell you about one of the most popular hemp flower...

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