Can Hemp Fiber Replace Cotton?

Hemp fiber is one of the most valuable parts of the hemp plant. It is made from the “bast”, which is the outer layer of the hemp stalk. This fiber extends the entire length of the plant and can be anywhere between 3 and 15 feet long. Our specialty is a smokable hemp...

Top 10 Pre-Fill and Re-Fillable CBD Vape Cartridges

According to statistics, about 17% of CBD users have vaped their products. CBD vape cartridges are a convenient and easy way to consume cannabidiol. These carts are cylinders in shape and are slim. They will contain the CBD vape oil within them. This oil will be...

The Benefits of Hemp Paper in 2021 and Beyond

Hemp paper was discovered and used by ancient civilizations long before trees became the standard source material of modern society. Why didn’t the hemp plant remain our source for paper making? We’ll be investigating those reasons here. Our specialty is smokable hemp...

Ultimate Guide To Hemp Terpenes

A huge amount of focus has been placed on cannabinoids, such as CBD. While CBD delivers a great amount of promise to its users, there is another group of hemp chemical compounds that should not be forgotten: Hemp terpenes.  Terpenes are very aromatic and are known to...

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